Discovery Link
At C3 Elementary School
Discovery Link is the only Denver Public Schools Before and After School Program.
The reason for our Discovery Link name is to better reflect the linkage between the school day and the discovery that takes place in our programs out of school time, including after school (3–6pm) and during the summer.
While DPS has many valued after school partners, there is only one district-run program: Discovery Link. Since Discovery Link is a DPS program run entirely by DPS staff, it is uniquely positioned to link the school day and the hours beyond seamlessly and strategically.
DPS’ after school programs are built on a culture of discovery.
Combining academic support, arts, athletics, leadership development, social-emotional learning, and much more, we create an environment that is enriching, engaging, and fun!
Ready to Get Started?
Visit the main DPS page for further info.
Still Have Questions?
If you have any additional questions, send an email.